Piecing Together a Personal Learning Network

Personal Learning Networks

These activites must be completed by Monday, February 2, 2009

This Week's Activities


One of the Aims of a BYU education is to develop lifelong learning and service.  Modern technology provides unparalleled opportunities for lifelong learning.  The purpose for this week's activites is to help you set up and organize resources that will allow you to pursue self-directed lifelong learning that will aid you professionally and personally.  You are going to begin building a personal learning network directed toward the goal of enhancing your Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (basically, your knowledge of effective teaching methods for using technology in your specific content area.)


This week you need to complete all of the activites listed below in order to fully participate in the course.  Plan to spend between 1.5 to 2 hours completing course activities this week.  If you have technical difficulties with any of the activities, wait a few minutes and try again.  If technical difficulties continue, send me an email immediately and work on something else in the meantime.